The Oracle according to the Yarn Harlot (love her!) says that there are two kinds of knitters. Project oriented (will knit for the finished object) and Process oriented (will knit for love of the process). I would like to submit a third category, which I think I fall into: Ooh Shiny oriented. These hapless knitters will get grabbed by some nice shiny (or soft, or colourful) yarn, and will be wholly faithful to it until some new, shiny (or soft, or colourful) project grabs us by their way too short attention spans and pushes us in a new direction.
As a result of this, I currently have way too many partially finished projects. I want 2017 to be the year of finish-or-frog. (Stop laughing!)
I figure if I list all my current projects, and what's left on each one, I'll have an overview. Since it's January, if I haven't managed to finish any of them by the end of December, I can't really love the project enough to make it worth finishing. If so, I'll frog it.
So without further ado, here is the list of shame WIPs:

1: Poncho for a friend. This needs about 20 more repeats of the pattern for the second panel, attaching and a neck. Possibly a border of some kind. I'm kind of making it up as I go.

2: Crochet angels. I need to make a few of these, almost finished with one. It only takes a few hours each though so they're in-betweeners for when I need a break from a big project.

3: Pullover for Peti. Only about 10 cm done on the body, very thin yarn but at least it's nice and soft. Should be next big project to focus on after the poncho.
4: Hemlock inspired shawl. Maybe it'll be a bolero. Who knows at this point? As my grandmother once famously said: "I guess I should decide what I'm knitting soon!"
5: Crochet Dalek. Because if you're going to dive into the wonderful world of amiguri, what better way than with a Doctor Who villain?
6: Aeolian shawl. Shouldn't actually be that much left on this beauty. The yarn is a dream, the beads are pretty and the pattern is cool. Why did I stop it?
Ohhh... I got distracted making this!
I just need to figure out which row I was on. Might be next after Peti's jumper.

7: Crochet... something else for Peti. If I can figure out how to make it. Also amiguri of a kind, and should get me about 100,000 good-wife points if I actually manage to pull it off.
8: Blanket in purple shiny acrylic yarn, pattern is Rose of England by Marianne Kinzel. I have no idea if this is a good idea or not, but Petike seems to like it!

9: Socks in zauberball. I got to the purgatory known as the ribbing on the leg, and lost interest, but the colours are amazing. I'll be doing the afterthought heel in black once I do the leg. Or maybe I should do the heel first to see if it looks crappy? That way, if it does, I can go back and do a proper heel?
10: Blanket in boucle yarn, soft but I have no idea what pattern I was using and this yarn makes it impossible to see what I'm doing anyway. Frogging ahead!
11: Log cabin blanket in bamboo. Only problem is I don't really like the stripes with the log cabin. I think this is going to go ribbit-ribbit too :-)
12: Scarf with Celtic cable and a braid at the end (the loose strands). Once again I lost interest after something else, shinier came along. Maybe this will make a Christmas present for someone?
13: Crochet shawl. The flowers at the edge are folding around themselves like the very devil and once past them, the scarf itself is mind-numbingly boring. Frog!
14: Knitted shawl with the candlelight pattern from Marianne Kinzel. Beautiful pattern, I might need to actually make this one!
15: Knitted socks in a Norwegian snowflake pattern. These are pretty and should be not too long to finish. Maybe they'll even fit me after I'm done! If not, I'm sure I can find someone to give them to.
16: Baby boy trousers. Now slightly cat-hairy. I first started them for my nephew, but maybe they'll actually fit my son if I get a move on?
17: Top based on the shaping of the Zelda but with braids instead of lace detail and with a different size yarn. Problem is it's completely the wrong size for me. I'm sure I can do better with this yarn. Frrrrrrogit!

18: Gloves. Ugly gloves. What was I thinking? I guess I wasn't. Rip!
19: Tiny doily, frosted ferns pattern by Niebling. Problem is I pulled the needles out ages ago and now I think it'll be easier to just pull it out and start fresh. Probably I'll do the same pattern though, it's pretty!

20: Roswitha doily from Niebling. I think I gave up because there was a mistake on the row and I didn't want to deal with it right then. So I'll have to find out which row, find the mistake, fix it and continue. Let's see if I actually bother!
Whew! I think that's all of them, if more should jump out at me I'll add them. This should be doable, right?
Status so far: 6 to frog, 8 undecided and 6 to do for sure.
I'll update with the progress of them regularly, wish me luck!