I went to the haberdashery and bought some buttons. I tried this nifty buttonhole using kitchener stitch, and it looked really nice I think. I'm going to be using that another time too! Then I went to back to the haberdashery as the buttons were suddenly too small, but the new buttons were even nicer, so I call that a win.
I'm so relieved, not least because I can actually knit other stuff now without feeling guilty about this project!
Then I decided to make a little side trip into some sandals for me for the summer, and some lacy top for those boiling summer days, both for me! I've done the sandals, I just need to finish the top now. It seems to work up reasonably quickly though so hopefully I'll get it done in time for the big heat waves.
In between I managed to go to the spring yarn festival in budapest and picked up some goodies:
In March I was in a bakery and got talking to a woman who had just had a premature baby. I'd heard of these little octupuses (octopi?) for preemies, so I decided to make her one. Last week I saw her again, with the baby out of the hospital! It's so nice when the little ones turn out healthy!
And of course I had to make a 17th May bow for Petike. If he doesn't have a bunad, at least he can have a bow!
I also finished two little angels, but I forgot to take pictures before I gave them away… of course. I think that puts my current count at 20 projects to go?
One of these days I'll even rip out the ones I really don't like :-)
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